We are in a small town just 6 miles from Capital Reef. The view here is beautiful. Guess who we ran into as we checked in? Our German friends, Theio and Susan, they left Bryce the night before us and went somewhere south of us before coming to Capital Reef. We have asked them to join us tomorrow on our jeep ride. I don't know why they keep crossing our path but it has been nice company. The night we went to dinner Chris asked how long they had been married. They weren't married. Awkward moment. Well through the night Chris would say more things about marriage and they would laugh. Chris offered many times to marry them. They have been together 14 years and are in their 50's. Tonight when we ran into them the first thing they asked was had he married anyone since we had seen them.
The driving is so slow here even when going fast. We left Bryce at 12:30 for the 95 mile trip. Even with no turn outs, no overlooks, no photo ops, we did not arrive till 5:00. The only pictures I took were out the window. I am sure I will lose my cell phone out the window one day. I just hold it out as far as I can and snap as many pics as possible hoping one will be good. Boy do I wish I had a good camera for this trip.
There was this one moment when my life flashed before my eyes. We were driving along at a reasonable speed when we saw a car pulled over on the opposite side of the two lane highway and people taking pictures. This always means there is something interesting to see. Well Mr. ADHD decides to pull over. The only problem is there was no pull out and I am looking down a cliff as he is pulling onto the gravel shoulder. I screamed so loud that I got his attention and he was good the rest of the trip. I really could have used a drink after that but since we are 'alcohol free' I just waited till we parked at our campsite and took a long nap before dinner....my way of relaxing.
Other than the cow that decided to run across the road at the last minute we had a pretty bland day.
Hope you enjoyed the sunset pictures.
Peace to all of my family and all of my friends. Barbara
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